Tania Franco Klein


Tania Franco Klein

Personal Projects at the Center of Your Practice

From commissions, to exhibitions, to bookmaking — navigating the art industry can be beyond overwhelming with an endless amount of outside forces trying to shape your voice. By focusing on personal projects, you learn to nurture your unique vision and find the allowance to invite the world into your universe — on your terms.

Multimedia artist Tania Franco Klein joins PHOTOVERSE to discuss how focusing on her personal projects have opened more pathways in her creative journey. Tania shares her experiences and encourages others to prioritize the development of their own vision as the foundation and grounding for the work they make. Opportunities arise unpredictably, but you can control how to develop your personal practice — ensuring that when opportunities do come, they enhance rather than overshadow your individual artistic voice.


Tania Franco Klein (b.1990) is a Mexican artist currently working with photography, GIF, and installation. Through large-scale cinematic photographs in multilayered installations, Tania’s work examines modern anxieties and the performative stresses of online life, focusing on self-improvement, productivity, media overstimulation, and fragmented realities. Her work has been featured in reviews by ARTFORUM, CNN, The Guardian, and other publications. She contributes to The New York Times and Vogue, and her first monograph, “Positive Disintegration” (2019), was nominated for the Paris Photo Aperture Foundation First Book Award. Her art resides in The MoMA in New York and The Getty Center in Los Angeles.


October 20, 2024
11:10 am – 1:10 pm MT



PHOTOVERSE Presenter Tania Franco Klein


Educational seminars from over twenty-five photography professionals, inspirational keynote presentations, and networking opportunities with the global photographic community.



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